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Langstone Harbour
Case Study

Location: Langstone Harbour, Hampshire Client: Milestone Infrastructure (M Group) Value: Circa £100,000

Date: Completed 2022


The sea wall at Langstone has required attention for a number of years but the location was always deemed too difficult to work on. The seaweed and salt water had slowly infiltrated the mortar and had caused severe damage in some areas, the water had also created a void behind large sections causing the footway above to being to collapse.

Using a sophisticated counter balanced scaffold system we were able to repoint and repair the walling, we had to work short tidal windows and use fast setting marine mortar but were able to successfully carry out all repairs required.

We also installed a couple of custom non return valves close to the sea bed to ensure water could correctly flow outward

Finally, we then completed the necessary footway repairs to enable safe use of the sea wall path going forward.

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