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Thruxton Down Drainage Solution
Case Study

Location: Thruxton Down, Hampshire

Client: Milestone Infrastructure (M Group)

Value: Circa £700,000

Date: Completed 2022


The underpass of the A303 at Thruxton Village has flooded for over 20 years, the location is very sensitive due to its proximity to the famous Thruxton race Circuit. We worked tirelessly with the client’s design engineers before the site began construction to produce a solution to solve the flooding issue once and for all at this low level area.

We installed 7 large scale soakaways, refreshed over 200+m of linear field drainage, 200m of rigid pipework and multiple new highway catchpits or gullys to carry the water from the carriageway to a suitable filtration area.

The site was incredibly level sensitive due to being in a natural valley, working with the clients engineers several level amendments had to be made live on site to ensure the project would carry the required volumes.

The project proved very challenging from a traffic management point of view because of the A303 slip roads adjoining our works area, using our trusted suppliers we were able to close and open the slip roads as required without any delays to completion dates.

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